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Seton Hall University

Welcome from the Vice President of Student Services

Fall 2024 Welcome

Monica Burnette

Dear Parents, Families and Guardians,

Arriving at Seton Hall eleven years ago, I truly value the University’s vision as a home for the mind, the heart, and the spirit through collegial partnerships with students, faculty, staff, administration, and the priest community.  I am excited and honored to serve my fourth year as the Vice President of Student Services. Our divisional mission continues to focus on holistic student success and fostering a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive campus environment.

Our Division values:

  • Our Catholic tradition,
  • Our students and their success in every area of their lives,
  • Our diverse, welcoming, and supportive community, and
  • Our continual drive for excellence and professional growth.

The Division of Student Services supports five main areas – Academic Success, Campus Inclusion & Community, Student Engagement, Student Wellness & Support, and Public Safety & Security. To learn more about our areas, see our video.

Our Division also leads two University-wide Committees. The Council for Student Success (CSS) aims to create an equitable and consistent premier student experience, enhance student support and retention, and prepare students to be impactful global citizens. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee strives to educate and empower our community to advance equity, inclusion, and social justice on campus and in the wider world.

August also marks National Civility Month, a time to celebrate and recognize the importance of civil behavior in our communities. Civility encourages harmony, empathy, respect, understanding, and kindness and paves the way for more positive connections personally and professionally. This fall, we will continue to promote lessons learned from our 2024 Summer Reading Book, Never Thought of It That Way - How to Have Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times by Mónica Guzmán.

We look forward to welcoming back our new and returning students and continuing to recognize the positive impact and outcomes of their hard work, dedication, and commitment. Our students are strong and resilient, and they continue to showcase what it means to be a Pirate! Let’s continue to support active participation, engagement, and involvement. Let’s encourage our students to continue to seek campus resources to ensure their academic and social success. Check our Summer Orientation video for more student tips.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership. For more Parent tips, check out our video.

We are stronger and better together, and I could not be more proud or grateful to be part of this Division and Seton Hall.

Go Pirates!

All the best,

Monica Burnette, Ph.D. 

Vice President of Student Services

Spring 2023 Mid-Semester Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We are excited about the warmer weather and longer days of spring! This is a wonderful time of renewed interest in student connection inside and outside of the classroom.

We understand the remainder of the spring semester can be an exciting, challenging and sometimes stressful time. We encourage students to continue to connect with the many Student Services campus resources we offer. If they have further questions or concerns, we offer them the opportunity to let us know by sharing in our Student Services Suggestion Box.

We encourage students to get involved and stay ENGAGED on campus. Our Student Activities Board and other campus partners bring a variety of amazing events to campus. Here are a few other upcoming events:

We also continually prepare students for what happens after college by providing opportunities to explore numerous career experiences. Our next Spring 2023 Career Expo Event is on March 29. Students are also encouraged to participate in a variety of career preparatory events, such as:

Our hope is that students stay connected and involved to broaden their academic, personal, spiritual, and career aspirations. We want them to continue developing their skills as servant leaders and global changemakers.

Please feel free to email us at should you have any concerns, comments or ideas. As parents and guardians, we value your dedication and partnership. 

Remember that we are stronger together. Please continue to take care of each other. Go Pirates!

All the best,

Monica Burnette, Ph.D. 

Vice President of Student Services

Fall 2022 Mid-Semester Update

Dear Parents, Families and Guardians,

This time of year, I am especially grateful for our shared partnership. Thank you for your continued support of our students, our mission, and the entire Seton Hall community. Please continue to visit the Parent website for videos, tips, and updates. 

As Thanksgiving approaches, we understand the remainder of the Fall semester can be a challenging and stressful time. Please encourage our students to contact their Writing Center, and the University Library.

Undergraduate registration for Winter 2022 begins on November 7 and Spring 2023 on November 9.  Seniors are encouraged to review our apply for graduation, and participate in senior portraits and class rings.

Our students remain engaged with upcoming events through the Student Activities Board such as Open Mic Night, Yoga and Therapy Dogs, Gaming Events and a New York City Broadway trip. We are preparing for our University Center Opening and annual Christmas at the Hall tradition on November 28. We reach out to our students weekly with an overview of activities and engagement opportunities. Students can also connect with more than 150 clubs and organizations on Engage and social media.

We continue to prepare our students to be spiritual and philanthropic opportunities on and off campus.

As we approach the holidays, students and families can review important dates through the  Student Services Suggestion Box.

I wish you a wonderful fall season and a Thanksgiving filled with gratitude.

Remember that we are stronger together. Please continue to take care of yourself and each other.

All the best,

Monica Burnette, Ph.D. 

Vice President of Student Services

Fall 2022 Welcome Back Message

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We are excited to see our new and returning students on campus next week. Welcome and welcome back home to The Hall!

We look forward to a wonderful year ahead and we encourage your student to connect with the many Student Services campus resources we offer.

Encourage them to stay engaged and involved in the 150 clubs and organizations on campus! The Student Activities Board is currently planning a variety of amazing events and programs for this upcoming year.

Additional Support Services include:

Involvement Opportunities

  • Weeks of Welcome (WOW) is a time to say hello to the Class of 2026 and welcome back our returning students! The festivities begin with Move-In on August 23. See here for a complete schedule. 
  • Our First 56 Days will help your student stay connected and engaged this semester! There are several events offered, including our new programs offered on the weekend (WKND).
  • South Orange Downtown presents "SHU Welcome Back Weekend" From August 25 - 28, the Village of South Orange will offer discounts and free admission to shopping, dining, and local experiences. Keep the celebration going and don’t miss FREE live music in Spiotta Park (20-32 Village Plaza) on Sat. Aug 27 starting with a special performance from the Seton Hall Jazz Ensemble from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. followed by NJ based, Forget The Whale from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Also check out South Orange Summer Nights for August Moonlight Movies.
  • The South Mountain YMCA is currently hiring for their After-School and Before School Programs. There are nine locations within three miles of Seton Hall. The YMCA offers a signing bonus and competitive pay. For more details, contact Eric Stoddard.

Parking Permits for the 2022-2023 academic year are now available for purchase. Students need to be registered for their Fall classes prior to purchasing a parking permit. For ALL permit sales your student will need their SHU ID and a valid vehicle registration through the NuPark App! Click here for step by step video instructions on how to use the NuPark App.

If you have ideas, suggestions, or comments, please share them in our Student Services Suggestion Box.

Remember that we are stronger together. Please continue to take care of each other. Go Pirates!

All the best,

Monica Burnette, Ph.D. 

Vice President of Student Services

Spring 2022 Semester Wrap-Up

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We have wrapped up Spring 2022. Congratulations to the Class of 2022. And thank you for all the familiar support that parents and guardians gave to them. We know this is a shared accomplishment. Your students are now members of the Seton Hall alumni community, joining the ranks of more than 100,000 Pirates worldwide who demonstrate true servant leadership and exemplify what great minds can do

When seniors graduate, their access to free software, cloud storage space, school email accounts, and 24/7 support will change. Our Graduation Checklist has all they need to know to make sure their important files and messages come with them after they leave Seton Hall University.

For those families still on the journey, don't forget to register for Fall 2022! Please be sure your student contacts their academic advisor to set up an advising appointment and Peer Academic Coach, they can learn more through the Academic Resource Center.

Summer classes began on May 24 and continue throughout the summer. Students can still register for classes and explore other opportunities like our Online Teaching Certificate Level 1. This summer, Seton Hall proudly offers a wide range of courses for both current and visiting graduates and undergraduates. Multiple sessions run May 24 through August 26. Current Seton Hall undergraduates are eligible for a $1,500 grant.

Do you have questions or suggestions? Feel free to email us at We will continue to provide updates periodically throughout the summer..

Please feel free to email us at should you have any concerns, comments or ideas. As parents and guardians, we value your dedication and partnership. 

Remember that we are stronger together. Please continue to take care of yourself and each other. 

Go Pirates!

All the best, 

Monica N. Burnette, Ph.D.
Vice President, Student Services

Spring 2022 Mid-Semester Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We are excited about the warmer weather and longer days of spring! This is a wonderful time of renewed interest in student connection inside and outside of the classroom. 

We understand the remainder of the spring semester can be an exciting, challenging and sometimes stressful time. We encourage students to continue to connect with the many Suggestion Box

We encourage students to get involved and stay ENGAGED on campus. Our Student Activities Board and other campus partners bring a variety of amazing events to campus. Here are just a few:

We also continually prepare students for what happens after college by providing opportunities to explore numerous career experiences. Our next Spring 2022 Career Fair is on March 30. Students are also encouraged to participate in a variety of career preparatory events, such as:

Our hope is that students stay connected and involved to broaden their academic, personal, spiritual, and career aspirations. We want them to continue developing their skills as servant leaders and global changemakers.

Please feel free to email us at should you have any concerns, comments or ideas. As parents and guardians, we value your dedication and partnership. 

Remember that we are stronger together. Please continue to take care of yourself and each other. Go Pirates!

All the Best, 

Monica N. Burnette, Ph.D.
Vice President, Student Services

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Spring 2022 Message from the Vice President of Student Services

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Happy New Year! 

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends, and we are excited to welcome our students back to Seton Hall. Thank you for your continued partnership. 

As we embark on a new year full of promise, we continue to focus on helping our students succeed academically and socially and strive to uphold our Catholic tradition by fostering a diverse, inclusive and supportive campus community. We believe Seton Hall is a home for the mind, heart, and spirit. 

We encourage our students to be active participants in the learning process by taking advantage of the many campus resources available to help them in their college journey. Here is a list of our divisional departments and resources.  

Thank you for encouraging our students to keep our campus community healthy and safe. We ask for continued vigilance and preparedness to protect those who may be vulnerable or immunocompromised. We encourage students to upload their vaccination information, stay masked indoors, and get their booster and flu shots. 

Remember that we are stronger together. Please continue to take care of yourself and each other. 

Go Pirates!


Monica N. Burnette, Ph.D.
Vice President, Student Services

Fall 2021 Message from the Vice President of Student Services

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Since I arrived at Seton Hall eight years ago, I saw how the University truly embraces the vision as a home for the mind, the heart and the spirit. I am excited and honored to assume the role of Interim Vice President and cannot wait to welcome back our new and returning students on campus soon! Our divisional mission continues to focus on student success, creating a positive impact on students inside and outside of the classroom, and fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion. 

As we continue to navigate multiple, challenging pandemics, we recognize our students’ hard work and dedication. Our students are strong and resilient; they continue to make me proud to be a Pirate! 

In the Division of Student Services, we continue to value our: 

Catholic tradition

Student Success 

  • Our goal is to create a premier student experience that is equitable and consistent, enhances student support and retention, and prepares students to be impactful global citizens.
  • Your student’s SHU Reads! Book – Just Mercy!
  • We encourage all students to take care of their mental and physical health needs with Public Safety & Security Office.
  • Our Health Intervention Communication Team provides insight for our community’s health and safety protocols. We continue to closely monitor government guidance and public statistics, refining safety protocols to address the changing health environment.
  • Students will receive weekly Student Services communication with important information every Friday. 

Diverse and Supportive Community

  • Our goal is to further cultivate and nurture a trusting and collaborative Seton Hall community that educates and empowers all its members to advance equity, inclusion and social justice on campus and in the wider world.
  • Please feel free to learn more about our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts on campus. We offer interactive DEI workshops that help participants explore race, bias, and identity.
  • Please encourage your students to get involved! There are several events scheduled for the 1st 56 Days.
  • Students are also encouraged to Engage the Local Area with the opportunities in South Orange and the surrounding areas or volunteer with organizations such as DOVE.

Academic excellence and professional growth opportunities 

Thank you for trusting us to guide and support your student through their academic journey. I see our parents as partners through this process; we are stronger together! Please continue to review our Parent Toolkit. Should you have questions, please have your student contact

I could not be more proud or grateful to be part of this Division and Seton Hall. I look forward to welcoming our students soon. 

Go Pirates! 

All best, 
Monica Burnette, Ph.D. 

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