A Home for the Mind, Heart, Spirit
Strategic Direction One
Seton Hall University occupies a distinctive niche in higher education and in particular Catholic higher education. Our core mission is "transforming and molding the next generation of servant leaders." This translates into a focus on three areas, the mind, heart, and spirit.
Transformation and molding of the "mind" results from exposure to the new core curriculum and rigorous academic programs. The "heart" is transformed and molded through opportunities such as service learning, "SOS: Service On Saturdays," and servant leadership initiatives. Finally the "spirit" is transformed and molded through initiatives such as the programs of the Campus Ministry, FOCUS and the Priests-in-Residence program. Seton Hall University is indeed a "Home for the Mind, the Heart, and the Spirit."
Goal 1: Celebrate and Integrate Catholic Character, History and Intellectual Tradition into the Life of the University
- Continue to invest in, support, and affirm the full implementation of the Core Curriculum, including the proficiency component.
- Invest in and encourage development of diverse academic and scholarly vehicles of Seton Hall’s Catholic heritage and initiatives to incorporate Catholic content into existing foundational courses, while recognizing equal consideration for the respective disciplines and the faculty’s freedom to teach according to their academic expertise.
Goal 2: Create a Campus Environment That Attracts, Motivates and Retains Students Who Actively Benefit From the Catholic and Academic Mission of the University
- Invest in and strengthen opportunities for the University community to become engaged in volunteer efforts and service learning.
- Selectively invest in areas that strengthen the Catholic identity and character of the institution and increase awareness of our Catholic history and identity.