Centers and Institutes
The Office of Mission and Ministry is charged with promoting Seton Hall's Catholic mission. We work to infuse Catholic values, faith and intellectual heritage throughout the University and help promote the University's efforts at developing servant leaders. Among the many mission-driven and mission-enhancing initiatives, the following deserve special mention:
Visit the Office of Mission and Ministry Website »
Bernard J. Lonergan Institute
The Bernard J. Lonergan Institute promotes Lonergan's teaching that an intimate knowledge of one's own mind can open the door to an even broader scope of knowledge. It offers a variety of lectures, programs and conferences based on theology, interdisciplinary philosophy and economics.
Visit the Bernard J. Lonergan Institute Website »
The Catholic Center for Family Spirituality
The mission of the Catholic Center for Family Spirituality is to focus on the spiritual, theological, and pastoral dimensions of family life. Inspired by the life and spirituality of Pope John Paul II, our activities and events are designed to reflect on the family as the "Church in miniature" and explore ways to meet the challenges and stresses associated with modern family life. Our cornerstone activity, the William J. Toth Summer Institute for Family Spirituality, offers graduate level courses in the Catholic tradition, at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology (Seton Hall's South Orange Campus), Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish (Ridgewood) and Our Lady of Mercy (Jersey City).
Center for Vocation and Servant Leadership
The Center for Vocation and Servant Leadership promotes openness to God's call in both the academic life and common life of the University to support the overall mission of forming students as servant leaders for today's world.
Visit the Center for Vocation and Servant Leadership Website »
Center for Catholic Studies
Founded at Seton Hall in1997, The Center for Catholic Studies is dedicated to fostering a dialogue between the Catholic intellectual tradition and all areas of study and contemporary culture, through scholarly research and publications and ongoing programs for faculty, students, and the general public.
Visit the Center for Catholic Studies Website »
Center for Diaconal Formation
Created by Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology as part of the Institute for Christian Spirituality, the Center is designed to provide graduate-level intellectual formation for permanent diaconate candidates.
Visit the Center for Diaconal Formation Website »
Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry offers programs and events for students aimed at spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We help to create a campus environment that fosters spiritual, moral, liturgical and sacramental development in our students.
Visit the Campus Ministry Website »
College Seminary - St. Andrew's Hall
Students live and participate in seminary activities at St. Andrew's Hall, a Tudor Revival building located several blocks from the main campus of Seton Hall. The seminary building combines student rooms, common areas, and a private chapel to further the development of each student.
Visit the College Seminary Website »
The Division of Volunteer Efforts seeks to raise awareness of social injustice through service to others. We seek to affirm the dignity of all people by visiting nursing homes, working with disabled children, volunteering at soup kitchens and through numerous other activities.
Visit the Division of Volunteer Efforts Website »
The GK Chesterton Institute for Faith and Culture
The GK Chesterton Institute promotes G.K. Chesterton's call for a deepened moral and social imagination through conferences, lecture series, research, writing and through publication of the journal, The Chesterton Review.
Visit the GK Chesterton Institute Website »
Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology
The Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology (ICSST) is the graduate school of theology of Seton Hall University and the major seminary of the Catholic Archdiocese of Newark. ICSST admits both seminarians studying for the Catholic priesthood and lay students.
Visit the School of Theology Website »
The Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies
The Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies is a leading center of expertise committed to the mission of developing, encouraging and increasing the collaborative peace-building efforts of Jewish and Christian scholars, theologians, educators and students. Established in 1953 at Seton Hall University, we are the oldest academic institution in the world dedicated to Catholic-Jewish relations and founder of the only Jewish-Christian Studies graduate program in the United States. This graduate program has become a model for eliminating prejudice through understanding, and we have awarded more than $1 million in scholarship aid to students from around the world. In partnership with Seton Hall University, we are helping to unite and empower a new, globally diverse generation of Jews and Christians who are dedicated to exploring and promoting their shared values, practices, traditions and peaceful pursuits.
Visit the Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies Website »
Micah Institute for Business and Economics
Seton Hall University's Micah Institute for Business and Economics operates under the aegis of the Center for Catholic Studies. Its mission is to introduce faculty, students, and the business community to the Catholic perspective on business and economic life.
Visit the Micah Institute for Business and Economics Website »
Sister Rose Thering Fund
The Sister Rose Thering Fund awards tuition scholarships to teachers and administrators in public, private, and parochial schools for courses in the Graduate Department of Jewish-Christian Studies. Its goal is to foster understanding through education and inter-religious cooperation.