Move-In Day is a celebrated Seton Hall University tradition! Annually, the Department ofResidence Life joins the entire Pirate community in welcoming our new and returning residential students to their Home at the Hall.
This page shares all information related to the Move-In Day experience for both new and returning students.
Before Move-In Day

New Student Move-In DayNew Student Move-In Day will occur on Wednesday, August 21 and Thursday, August 22, 2024. After you complete the steps to become eligible to receive a University housing assignment, you will receive an email to select a move-in timeslot.
To ensure a smooth move-in experience for everyone, it is essential that you arrive during the move-in timeslot for which you are scheduled – NOT before it. We are limited in the number of cars and individuals that can be accommodated during each timeslot.
Please clearly label ALL items with your name, residence hall, and room number prior to arriving on campus.
HRL staff members and Public Safety officers will be present and available for any of your needs.
Returning Student Move-In DayReturning students may move into their rooms on Friday, August 23 between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. You are also welcomed to move into your space either day that following weekend – Saturday, August 24 or Sunday, August 25 – between 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Note that classes begin on Monday, August 26.
Returning students do not need to sign up for a move in day or time. They can arrive at the above listed days/times based on their preference.
We recommend labeling your items prior to arriving at campus. Please note that returning students and their families are responsible for moving in their own items. Moving bins will be provided on a first-come, first-served availability.
HRL staff members and Public Safety officers will be present and available for any of your needs.
What You Need to Know

Parking and CarsNew Students
New students will receive a printable, temporary Dashboard Parking Tag via email prior to Move-In Day. You must print it and place it on your car dashboard when arriving at campus. Please arrive at the Farinella Gate (which is the campus’ main entrance on South Orange Ave.). Public Safety officers will be stationed around campus to guide you from the Farinella Gate directly to the front of your residence hall to meet residence hall staff, check into your housing assignment, and receive your room key.Only one vehicle will be permitted to arrive with you at your residence hall (extra vehicles will be directed immediately to the campus parking deck and items will need to be unloaded from there). Once you arrive at the unloading zone outside your hall, then you will unload all your items and immediately be asked to move your car to the parking deck. No car may remain in the unloading zone for more than 15 minutes, and a licensed driver must always remain with your vehicle while it is in the unloading zone (any students traveling alone will be assisted).
Returning Students
Returning students should arrive directly at your residence hall to meet residence hall staff, check into your housing assignment, and receive your room key. Then, you will be ready to unload your items. Please limit your time parked near the hall, to ensure a streamlined move-in process for other students – but take the time that you need to move items into your room. Once you have unloaded your items, you should move to the campus parking deck.For more details on parking after Move-in Day, please visit the Parking Services Webpage .
What to Pack for the Residence HallsWhile preparing to pack your items, check out the What to Pack for Seton Hall Residence Halls webpage. We recommend coordinating with your roommate(s) and suitemate(s).
If you are interested in renting a MicroFridge (combination microwave and refrigerator), visit the MicroFridge website. While we partner with the MicroFridge vendor to coordinate them dropping off and picking up the units in the residence halls, they oversee the rest of the process. Therefore, you should contact the vendor directly with any questions.
Additionally, view a Residence Hall Virtual Room Tour to see an example room layout and residence hall furniture dimensions.
Moving Bins, Handcarts, Etc.A limited supply of moving bins, hand trucks, dollies, and carts will be made available to assist with moving your items. Those supplies are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
We certainly encourage you to bring your own hand trucks or dollies, if you have them, to help ease your move-in process.
Campus ID CardsAll residential students require a campus ID card to enter the residence halls. Please be sure to visit the Campus ID office if you have questions about receiving your campus ID card.
New Students
Please visit the Campus ID office to receive your ID card and contact with any questions.Returning Students
You will utilize your campus ID card from last academic year. Please contact with any questions.
Areas and HotelsThe Visiting Seton Hall webpage offers resources for area hotels; local dining options; directions to campus via car, train, air, and bus; and more.
Getting Settled In

Room Condition Report (RCR)Prior to each academic year, a Housing & Residence Life staff member inspects each room and assesses its condition – that assessment is called the Room Condition Report (RCR). Staff members take photos and write descriptions of any damage which exists prior to you moving into your room. That damage is documented into your RCR.
As per the Housing License Agreement , you must review and sign your RCR by Add/Drop Day (approximately one week into the semester). After that day, the RCR is finalized, and you are presumed to have agreed to it.
After you move out of your room, a Housing & Residence Life professional staff member and a Department of Facilities professional staff member will again assess the room to close out your RCR. As per the Damage Billing Policy you may be assessed charges for any damage beyond "normal wear and tear".
More details will e provided to students when they check into their new room, but we highly recommend that you review your Room Condition Report (RCR) during your Move-In Day and report any updates to the room condition to HRL staff.
First Community Floor MeetingThe first community floor meeting provides an opportunity for residential students to meet their Resident Assistant (RA) and other peers living on their floor, review HRL policies, ask questions about the residential experience, and discuss community standards. As Move-In Day approaches, you will receive more details from your RA about the date, time, and location of your first community floor meeting.
First-Year Area
Residential students living in Aquinas Hall and Boland Hall are required to attend their first community floor meetings on Thursday, August 24.Upperclass Area
Residential students living in Cabrini Hall, Neumann Hall, Ora Manor, Serra Hall, Turrell Manor, and Xavier Hall will receive information from their RAs about their required first community floor meetings, which will occur during the week of Monday, August 28.
Things for Students to DoThe Engage platform is the home for ways to get involved on campus, particularly showing off the many events which will occur within the first few days after you move into your residence hall. Traditionally, events are hosted immediately after Move-In Day by Athletics, Campus Ministry, Housing & Residence Life, and Student Engagement (including the Student Activities Board and Fraternity & Sorority Life).
The Office of Student Engagement hosts New Student Welcome Weekend for first-year and transfer students, which provides numerous opportunities to meet new friends and participate in exciting (and competitive!) events within your first few days. As Welcome Weekend approaches, new students will receive more information about this event via email and from their Peer Advisors.
Looking forward, the Involvement Fair is traditionally hosted during the first week of classes for you to meet student leaders in the 150+ student organizations.
Things for Parents to DoAs a parent or guardian of a Seton Hall Pirate, you are an important part of the Seton Hall family. Please visit the Parent website for videos, tips, and updates.
Please visit the Seton Hall Family Welcome Tent at Move-In Day to receive some swag, information, and light refreshments! We are excited to welcome you to The Hall and say how happy we are to have you as a member of our community! Registration is requested in advance, so that we know to expect you and can have your welcome pack ready.
The South Orange Village downtown is a vibrant community with restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. We recommend that parents and families explore the community when visiting the area for Move-In Day. More information can be found on the South Orange Downtown website.