University Life
The course aims to provide students with academic and personal success; integrate computer technology into academic instruction; familiarize students with University resources and opportunities; improve reading, writing, and analytical skills and support the University mission of "forming students to be servant leaders in a global society."
- The University Life course is taken in the Fall, in addition to the normal 5 course, 15-credit load.
- University Life is taught by the Center for Academic Success Academic Advisors with assistance from the peer advisors. Students meet once a week for 50 minutes throughout the semester to discuss various topics that affect first-year students.
- Students are expected to participate in classroom discussion and activities; create an ePortfolio, attend ACE events, and complete 10 community service hours to ensure exposure to the resources that Seton Hall and this class has to offer.
- Students will be given numerous opportunities to explore different clubs and organizations and perform community service through Core 1001, students are able to make the most out of their first year at Seton Hall University.