Jody Kulstad
Academic Director
College of Human Development Culture and Media
(540) 809-1855
Jubilee Hall
Room 314
Jody Kulstad
Academic Director
College of Human Development Culture and Media
Dr. Kulstad has spent the least nearly two decades training professional and school counselors in SHU's online graduate programs. She currently serves as the Interim Academic Director for the online based Counseling program, and for 17 years served as the Clinical Coordinator. Previously, she served as the campus based Program Director for the graduate counseling programs.
Prior to coming to Seton Hall University, Dr. Kulstad completed her Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Health Psychology at the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System where she conducted research and provided treatment services within the Consultation Liaison Department. Research focused on cardiac and pulmonary transplant psychology, pregnant drug abusers, and substance misuses in medical populations.
Previously, Dr. Kulstad has co-edited two books, written chapters in several books, published numerous articles in professional journals, and presented and local and national conferences.
Dr. Kulstad's current research interests include development of counselor identity, theoretical conceptualization in graduate training, and best practices in online counselor education.
- Ed.D. Educational Psychology - Counseling Psychology, Northern Arizona University
- MA in Counseling, Northern Arizona University
- BA in Interdisciplinary Studies
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Virginia
- Board Member Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling & Development
- Reviewer Mental Measurements Yearbook, Buros Institute