Tatsushi Arai , Ph.D.
Sergio Vieira de Mello Endowed Visiting Chair in the Practice of Post-Conflict Diplomacy
School of Diplomacy and International Relations
(973) 275-2562
Tatsushi Arai, Ph.D.
Sergio Vieira de Mello Endowed Visiting Chair in the Practice of Post-Conflict Diplomacy
School of Diplomacy and International Relations
Dr. Tatsushi Arai holds a doctorate in conflict resolution and has worked over the past twenty years as a mediator, dialogue facilitator, adviser, trainer, and peace researcher in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and the United States. His recent activities include training Syrian, Lebanese, Turkish, Afghan, Pakistani, and Nepali government and civil society professionals in mediation and conflict resolution skills; training diplomats from the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation; facilitating interfaith dialogues and government-civil society exchanges in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and the broader Asia-Pacific context; convening problem-solving workshops on the Taiwan Strait as well as on the East China Sea; working with Nigerian civil society leaders and government agencies to establish a sustainable platform of reintegration and reconciliation support for rehabilitated former Boko Haram members, and providing an advisory role in Rwandan-led initiatives for community-based healing and reconciliation. In addition, drawing upon the diverse institutional partnerships and venues in the United States and other countries, he has regularly trained and advised civilian government, military, police, and peacekeeping professionals, civil society and religious leaders, and representatives of international organizations. Dr. Arai is a Professor of Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation at the School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Institute in Vermont and currently serves as a United Nations Senior Mediation Adviser on a when-actually-employed basis. He previously taught international relations at the National University of Rwanda in the aftermath of the 1994 genocide. Dr. Arai is the author of many publications including Creativity and Conflict Resolution: Alternative Pathways to Peace. He is a Japanese citizen and currently lives in Massachusetts.
- Ph.D., Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
- M.A., International Policy Studies, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
- B.A., Law, Waseda University, Tokyo
Selected Recent Publications:
- Arai, T. 2018. "Repatriation and Reconciliation Challenges in North-eastern Nigeria: Toward an Integrated Framework of Analysis and Action." Conflict Trends 1.
- Arai, T. 2017. "Toward a Buddhist Theory of Conflict Transformation: From Simple Actor-Oriented Conflict to Complex Structural Conflict." Peace and Conflict Studies 24 (2).
- Arai, T. 2016. "Strait Talk: Youth-Led Civil Society Dialogues Across the Taiwan Strai." Asia Pacific Peace Studies 1 (1): 45-68.
- Arai, T., S. Goto, and Z. Wang, eds. 2015. Contested Memories and Reconciliation Challenges: Japan and the Asia-Pacific on the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
- Arai, T. 2012. "Development Sensitivity for Reconciliation: Lessons Learned from Rwanda." Conflict Trends 4.
- Arai, T. 2012. "Rebuilding Pakistan in the Aftermath of the Floods: Disaster Relief as Conflict Prevention." Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 7, no. 1.
- Arai, T. 2009. Creativity and Conflict Resolution: Alternative Pathways to Peace. Routledge. (Paperback 2012.)
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