Micah Institute for Business and Economics
About Micah
Seton Hall University's Micah Institute for Business and Economics operates under the auspices of the Center for Catholic Studies. Its mission is to introduce faculty, students, and the business community to the Catholic perspective on business and economic life. It seeks to present the multiple ways in which these two interactive and vital engines impact the lives of all individuals personally, communally, and professionally.
Among contemporary social institutions, business exercises one of the most powerful influences on the formation of attitudes, values, and behavioral patterns in the world today. It profoundly affects persons and structures, individuals and societies, materially and spiritually. The Micah Institute provides various opportunities to reflect upon business methods and values through its programs and projects, namely the Micah Business Leadership Project, the Ignatian Business Chapters /Seton Hall Chapter and the website resources of the Micah Library for Business and Economics. The Micah Seminars for Stillman School of Business Students have educated the next generation through semester-long seminars on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and values-driven servant leadership, for students in Seton Hall's Business School Leadership Studies curriculum. The programs offer comprehensive understanding of Catholic Social Teaching, explore economic justice, key social issues, and the world of work.
About Deacon William J. Toth, Ph.D.
To honor Bill Toth's memory and legacy in perpetuity, the Toth/Lonergan Endowed Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies at Seton Hall University has been established. The aim of the Toth professorship is, in the words of Bernard Lonergan, SJ, to provide a "framework for collaborative creativity" by bringing exceptional scholars and outstanding contemporary thinkers to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue and studies, especially between Catholic theology and sciences, religious studies, business, economics, diplomacy, law, health care and other disciplines. Through guiding and encouraging dialogue and discernment among Seton Hall faculty and students, the Toth/Lonergan Professor greatly supports the University's Core Curriculum, by encouraging our students to become reflective and compassionate leaders. The Toth/Lonergan Professor spends varying amounts of time at the university, from a week's workshop to a semester's class, working with faculty and students as well as delivering public lectures and teaching specific classes.
Programs have included:
- Aquinas, by Rev. Louis Roy, January 28, 2019
- Lonergan's Economic Theory, by Dr. Frank Braio, November 15 and 29
- Redemption, by Mark Miller, Ph.D, April 18th, 2018
- Third Millennium Haitians as Masters of their own Destiny, panel of speakers from Team Coady, February 7, 2018
- 2016 Faculty Summer Seminar: Meeting Paul of Tarsus, with Msgr. Anthony Ziccardi, May 24-26, 2016.
- Art, Love and Conversion, by Professor Glen Hughes, December 3, 2015.
- Doing the Laundry, Dusty Shoes, and the Monastery Bell - Business Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis, by Chris Lowney, November 4, 2015.
- Addressing International Conflict: Lessons from the Law of the Sea and a World Court Judge, by Professor William George, October 2, 2015.
Ignatian Business Chapters (IBC)
Business is a call, a vocation. Business people employ their own talents and skills, the assets of their companies, and the structures and resources of the wider society for the creation and maintenance of wealth, employment, and products or services. The business leader needs to be able to perform, to answer the call, with skill, competence, and peace of mind. Learn more about the IBC »
Ethics and Economics Forum
The Ethics and Economics Forum is an interdisciplinary effort, sponsored by the Department of Religion and the Bernard J. Lonergan Institute and Micah Institute for Business and Economics of the Center for Catholic Studies to bring together faculty and others for conversations on economic justice. Our aim is to convene faculty interested in this topic from various schools and departments across the university. Activities include guest speakers, book reviews, faculty presentations, among others. The Forum will meet at least twice a semester for lunch from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in a meeting room in the Student Center.
Catholic Social Teaching Topics
The Catholic Social Teaching Topics website was established to advance the work of social justice by making available resources and information about the Catholic social heritage. It explores the tradition of Catholic Social Teaching on human work, the environment, the global economy, politics, world order, and peace, and is grounded in certain principles that also have universal resonance across faith traditions.