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College of Arts and Sciences

Cuba Now and Possible Futures - Seton Hall University

Havana, Cuba

The Joseph A. Unanue Latino Institute presents "Cuba Now and Possible Futures" on Wednesday, March 15, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. in the Nursing Amphitheater, room 103.

What is happening now? Where could Cuba's political future be headed? Three distinguished Cuba experts and writers will discuss the current social and political situation in Cuba in this exciting event hosted by The Joseph A. Unanue Latino Institute. The three have recently visited Cuba and they'll share their experiences with us.

Our three panelists are:

  1. Anthony DePalma, Pulitzer Prize recipient, Writer-in-Residence at Seton Hall, New York Times Contributor, and author of The Man Who Invented Fidel. He teaches at the College of Communication and the Arts at Seton Hall University.
  2. Ted Henken, Baruch College professor who writes for Huffington Post and New York Magazine, among other publications; blogger and author of Cuba: A Global Studies Handbook and Entrepreneurial Cuba: The Changing Policy Landscape.
  3. José Manuel Prieto, the Cuban-born novelist and Guggenheim Fellowship recipient who participated recently in the prestigious Berliner Künstler program. A Seton Hall University professor at the College of Arts and Sciences, he is the author of several internationally recognized novels, among those translated to English: Rex, Encyclopedia of Life in Russia and Nocturnal Butterflies of the Russian Empire.

The Joseph A. Unanue Latino Institute cordially invites you to join us in what promises to be an interesting conversation. We are pleased to co-host this event with Seton Hall's School of Diplomacy and International Relations, College of Communication and the Arts and the Latin American and Latino and Latina Program in the College of Arts and Sciences.

For information on future events, scholarships, and all that is #JAULI, stop by our office located in Fahy Hall, Room 246. Do not forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram @JAULISHU to stay up to date with our latest news and events.

For any questions, please contact our GA, Jacquelyn Coletta, at