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Political Science Professor Analyzes Election Results in National and NJ Media - Seton Hall University

Headshot of Matthew Hale Respected media commentator and go-to source for reporters covering New Jersey politics, Matthew Hale, associate professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Affairs and director of the master's program in public administration, is being sought out as many pundits puzzle around the Nov. 2 election results.

Among the many news organizations seeking his expertise to understand this election cycle were Bloomberg News, Yahoo! News, NPR's Morning Edition, NY1 Inside City Hall, WABC, Telemundo47,, GannettNJ and ChalkBeat.

Hale is living politics himself, serving as Highland Park Councilman and chair of the Borough's economic development committee. Recently he was named to the 2021 Insider 100 Policymakers list by Insider NJ, a nonpartisan news website dedicated to New Jersey politics,

In an interview with Bloomberg News following the election, Hale said, "A lot of why it's so close is that some of the national stuff probably rubbed off," adding, "Certainly I think if the Democrats had passed all the stuff and had been seen as more competent, Murphy would have had more of a lead."

In talking to GannettNJ on why the election results are taking so long, Hale responded, "Different counties do things in different ways — some don't release anything until they have everything, while others are more incremental. . . That said, we did have new election equipment this year, and any time you have something new, it's different on game day than it is in practice."

Many New Jersey voters question whether a Murphy/Ciattarelli gubernatorial race is heading for a recount. Hale told that he expects the national Republican party will ask for a recount no matter the final count.

"It doesn't matter for Republicans because it keeps it in the news that the Dems had a huge advantage and they blew it. A recount shapes the political narrative and keeps alive the questioning of the vote, which is something Republicans continue to do," he stated.

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