Polish Drama Movie, “Ogniem i Mieczem”
Monday, February 5, 2024
Thursday, February 8th, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., in Fahy 236, the Slavic Club, will be showcasing the famous Polish drama movie, Ogniem i Mieczem (With Fire and Sword). This is an epic story about the Ukrainian uprising against the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth magnates in the 17th Century.
In With Fire and Sword the young and very handsome Polish officer, Jan Skrzetuski joins in the fight against the rebellious Zaporozhian Cossacks under the command of Hetman Bohdan Chmielnicki. He meets gorgeous Helena (Izabella Scorupco) and falls instantly in love but must contend with his rival for her affection, the crafty Cossack, Jurko Bohan. The fight over the stunningly beautiful Helena is set amidst various battles of the Uprising.
Comic relief is provided by Pan Zagloba, one of Polish literature's most comic characters, portrayed with uproarious effect by Krzysztof Kowalewski. Andrzej Seweryn gives a memorable performance as Polish prince, Jarema Wisniowiecki.
At the time of its release in 1999, With Fire and Sword (Ogniem i Mieczem) was the highest budgeted movie in the history of Polish cinema. Directed by Jerzy Hoffman, the film is based upon the first book of Henryk Sienkiewicz's famous and historic Trilogy.
Everyone is welcome! Slavic food will be served!
Categories: Arts and Culture