Education Professor Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez Featured by European Association for International Education
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez, Ph.D.
Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez, Ph.D., assistant professor within the College of Human Development, Culture, and Media at Seton Hall, was interviewed by the European Association for International Education on the topic of internationalization in higher education.
Based in Amsterdam with approximately 3000 members from 80 different countries, the European Association for International Education (EAIE) is a "centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education." Founded in 1989, it is a "non-profit, member-led organisation serving individuals actively involved in the internationalisation of their institutions through effective research, agreements and collaborations."
Entitled "New definitions and directions for internationalization," the interview with Professor Castiello-Gutiérrez (which also included Hans de Wit, professor emeritus, distinguished fellow, and former director of the Boston College Center for International Higher Education) seeks to discover "How can we begin to shape a new and better definition of 'internationalisation' fit for the future?" and further asks: "What excites or worries these two internationalisation researchers as they consider the current realities in policy and practice?"
In the interview, Castiello-Gutiérrez emphasized the importance of exploring emerging views and diverse perspectives within the field. "The most important thing is to be cognizant of the fact that there are indeed emerging voices, and that those opinions and those voices are relevant," he noted. "Once you acknowledge that they exist and that we need them and need to learn more about some of those perspectives, then do whatever is in your power and your influence to amplify those voices."
He also discussed the importance of reanalyzing the policies and conceptual framework of internationalization practices and theory to date. "There might be a lot of unintended consequences of the ways in which we have been enacting our internationalization practices and even our thinking and theorizing of internationalization," said Castiello-Gutiérrez. "Some of the benefits that come from internationalization are not distributed equally among institutions, among students, faculty, staff and the communities where we interact in mobility programs."
With over 15 years of cross-border experience as an administrator of international programs for institutions between Mexico and the United States, Castiello-Gutiérrez’s expertise bridges organizational theory, global interconnectedness of institutions, and internationalization practices. In addition to his role as an education professor at Seton Hall, he currently holds several positions, including co-chair of the Critical Internationalization Studies Network, Associate Founding Editor for the journal Critical Internationalization Studies Review, and program co-chair of the 2024 ASHE Council for International Higher Education pre-conference.
Castiello-Gutiérrez’s expertise in the field of international education has garnered widespread recognition, as evidenced by his scholarly publications and media coverage by prominent outlets such as PBS and the Chronicle of Higher Education.
"Professor Castiello-Gutiérrez has not only exemplified extraordinary expertise in the realm of international education but has also been an invaluable catalyst for helping to add to a campus culture that embraces and supports our international student community,” said Assistant Provost Mary Kate Naatus. "He has supported the Office of International Programs in developing a survey and analyzing results in an effort to better support our international student community. These efforts closely align with our strategic goal of attracting and retaining students from around the globe and expanding the Seton Hall brand internationally."
Sister Emily Wureh, a Ph.D. student in the Higher Education Leadership, Management, and Policy program from Liberia, agreed. "He helped me with my studies, applying for scholarships,
and connected me with Assistant Provost Mary Kate Naatus, who also offered support,"
she said. "I think him being a foreigner himself, he understood my situation and what
I was going through. It’s easier for me to share with foreign-born staff."
Ghana Imani Hylton, director of Campus Inclusion at Seton Hall, extolled the value
of campus-wide diversity in all its forms. "Having diversity, in every way, shape
and form that we possibly can, in all levels, from our Board of Regents, Executive
Board, faculty, staff and admins, should naturally make this become a more welcoming
campus, providing better experience for our students. It's wonderful to have professors
who speak different languages, and come from different experiences, parts of the country
or parts of the world. That can only enrich," she said. "I think it's vitally important
that we think about diversity, not for diversity’s sake, but for the authenticity
of reflecting the natural world back at us."
You can listen to the full interview here.
To explore the latest work of Assistant Professor Castiello-Gutiérrez, we invite you to visit his website.
Categories: Education, Nation and World