K-12 ELMP Professor Selected for Italian University Commission - Seton Hall University
Monday, July 12, 2021
According to the official website, "The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation
of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) oversees the national quality evaluation
system for universities and research bodies. It is responsible for the quality assessment
of the activities carried out by universities and research institutes and recipients
of public funding. It is also entrusted with steering the Independent Evaluation Units'
activities, and with assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of public funding
programs or incentive programs for research and innovation activities."
Tienken will review and evaluate the quality of research papers produced by university faculty in Italy in the area of K-12 education as part of the national accreditation system in place in the country.
In addition, Tienken was also recently selected to participate in a collaborative research project being directed by Professor Sandra Chistolini from the University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy. The project will focus on outdoor education programs in Italy, the USA, and the UK. Tienken will join professors from the University of Palermo, Italy, University of Roma Tre, Italy, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, and the Anglia Riskin University, UK.
The research team will study the pedagogy and curriculum practices of 27 schools across three countries. The project will last approximately one year and result in international conference presentations and publications.
Categories: Arts and Culture, Education, Nation and World