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School of Diplomacy and International Relations

Seton Hall University Awarded ECOSOC Consultative Status - Seton Hall University

UN Summer Program group photoSeton Hall University received good news on August 30, 2022, as they saw the conclusion of a process that started over four years ago. Following an initial approval on August 30 and the final approval on December 7, 2022, the School of Diplomacy on behalf of Seton Hall University, received consultative status from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). With this new status, students and faculty can consult and provide expert analysis at United Nations conferences and events, help monitor and implement international agreements, access UN meetings and bodies in New York, Geneva and Vienna, and much more. The University's commitment to fostering experiential learning and creating new opportunities for students to grow will continue to increase through this unique opportunity.

ECOSOC coordinates all of the UN system's and specialized agencies' activities on all aspects related to social, economic, and environmental development to achieve balanced integration in sustainable development goals. In cooperation with nongovernmental organizations and other UN bodies, ECOSOC coordinates policy reviews, dialogues, and recommendations to ensure focused attention on their yearly theme. The Council values the expertise and insight of NGOs and created a platform in which NGOs can share their knowledge, influence policies, and support the work of the UN. The UN benefits from the expertise of over 5,000+ NGOs, and Seton Hall is happy to join the ranks.

Maria Esquivel, who helped to draft and submit the proposal, provided insight into the fantastic work of students, faculty, and alumni in conjunction with the United Nations. The School of Diplomacy and its four research centers (the Center for United Nations and Global Governance Studies, the Center for Foreign Policy Studies, the Center for Global Health Studies, and the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies) actively support the work of the United Nations in a host of areas, including peacemaking and peacekeeping, global health security and pandemic collaboration, international financial institutions, the status of women and much more. In addition to the School of Diplomacy’s work, partners across campus are working with the United Nations, including the following examples. Psychology professor Dr. Susan A. Nolan was the ECOSOC NGO representative for the American Psychological Association (APA). From the College of Nursing, Dr. Maureen Byrnes and her students attended the United Nations 61st Commission on the Status of Women, recognizing their work to stop human trafficking. Students from the department of Social Work participate in the Annual Social Work Day at the United Nations. From the School of Law, many professors have presented at UN conferences on topics related to international human rights, youth, modern slavery, the law of responsibility, sanctions, the UN Security Council, the International Law Commission, the international classification of diseases, domestic violence, international trade law, and bankruptcy.

The consultative status awarded to the University provides new benefits beyond those of the current affiliations. Students and faculty can actively contribute to the work of the UN and inform the debate on global issues. Along with the perks mentioned above, the Seton Hall community members can also help raise public awareness of relevant topics, help organize side events for UN audiences, and play a significant role in advancing United Nations' goals and objectives. Consultative status brings with it seven UN ground passes that can secure access to UN conferences and events. This provides the space for the SHU community to deepen and expand understanding across disciplines with the potential to develop working relationships across different SHU Schools and Colleges to address pressing global issues.

Categories: Nation and World