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Pastoral Ministry
Master of Arts (M.A.P.M.)

Pastoral Ministry

The M.A. in Pastoral Ministry program equips students with the theological foundation and specialized training to answer Christ's call to serve in the Church today. For those who are currently working in pastoral ministry or are discerning the call to such service, the program provides a course of studies that infuses the students' desire to serve with the spiritual tools necessary to grow deeper in their faith.

Graduate Studies at the School of Theology

Watch as Associate Dean Dianne Traflet, as well as current students and faculty, discuss how you can grow intellectually and spiritually during your graduate studies.

Julie V. Burkey, M.A.P.M

"When I first began as a student at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, I knew that I wanted to serve my Church in some capacity, but wasn't sure how. The M.A.P.M. program helped me find my way."


Julie V. Burkey, D.Min.


This program consists of five separate, interrelated elements: coursework, field education, theological reflection, spiritual formation, and an Integration Seminar/Final Comprehensive Project. Taken together, these elements ensure that graduates from the program have both a theoretical and practical appreciation of what it means to live lives of committed service to Church and society.

Courses are offered on Seton Hall University's main campus in South Orange, New Jersey, as well as at the Office of Evangelization at St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison, New Jersey,  in collaboration with ICSST's certificate programs.

All students must take STHO 6020 Research Seminar early in their course of studies. 


The following is a selection of faculty of Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology (ICSST). Click to read more about all of our ICSST faculty »

Dianne Traflet posing
Dianne Traflet
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Administration and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology
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Reverend Roberto Ortiz posing
Rev. Roberto Ortiz
Director of Liturgy and Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology
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Patrick Manning posing
Patrick R Manning
Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Director of the Seton Hall University Center for Catholic Studies
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McCarren posing
Rev. Msgr. Gerard McCarren
Rector/Dean, and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
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Stay Connected. Grow in Your Faith with Us.

With everything we have to offer at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, you truly can enrich your life and your vocation as you grow in love for Christ and His Church. And as your needs evolve, so, too, do our offerings. We provide a variety of courses, retreats, lectures and workshops, giving you even more opportunities to strengthen your knowledge of the faith, pray and reflect, assess your unique gifts and strengths, and learn practical skills for service to the Church. Connect with us to learn more about the M.A. in Pastoral Ministry.

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