International Partners
Seton Hall University offers international partner programs with universities in many countries such as Germany, Ireland, Japan, South Korea the United Kingdom, just to name a few.
College of Arts and Sciences
Sophia University
Student Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Inbound: 1-2 Semesters; Outbound: 1 Month (Japanese studies)
Contact: Dr. Shigeru Osuka -
Wuhan Univeristy
Student Exchange; Faculty Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Inbound: Academic Year; Outbound: Short Term
Contact: Dr. Dongdong Chen
Stillman School of Business
Management Center Innsbruck
Student Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Semester or Academic Year
Contact: Dr. Hector Lozada-Vega, Associate Professor, Marketing, hector.lozada-vega@shu.edu
Dublin Institute of Technology
Student Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Semester or Academic Year
Contact: Dr. Hector Lozada-Vega, Associate Professor, Marketing, hector.lozada-vega@shu.edu -
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Student Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Semester or Academic Year
Contact: TBD -
Shanghai Ocean Univeristy
2+2 Undergraduate Degree, 1+2 Postgraduate Degree
Direction: One-way: Inbound
Duration: Two academic years
Contact: Dr. Jason Yin, Professor, Management, jason.yin@shu.edu -
Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade
Type of Program: 4+1, 4+2 and Faculty Exchange
Direction: Inbound
Duration: 1-2 Academic Years
Contact: Dr. Jason Yin, Professor, Management, jason.yin@shu.edu -
Anhui Normal University
Undergraduate 2 + 2
Direction: One-way: Inbound
Duration: Two Academic years
Contact: Dr. Jason Yin, Professor, Management, jason.yin@shu.edu -
Canvard University
Contact: Dr. Jason Yin, Professor, Management, jason.yin@shu.edu -
Minzu University
2+2 Undergraduate Degree , 4+(1)2 UG/GR Degree
Direction: One-way: Inbound
Duration: Two academic years
Contact: Dr. Jason Yin, Professor, Management, jason.yin@shu.edu -
University of International Business and Economics
Faculty Exchange, 1+2 Postgraduate Degree
Direction: One-way: Inbound
Duration: Two academic years
Contact: Dr. Jason Yin, Professor, Management, jason.yin@shu.edu -
Birla Institute of Management Technology
Contact: Dr. Hector Lozada-Vega, Associate Professor, Marketing, hector.lozada-vega@shu.edu
Contact: Dr. A.D. Amar, Professor, Management, ad.amar@shu.edu
College of Human Development, Culture, and Media
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
Faculty Exchange
Direction: Outbound
Duration: N/A
Contact: Dr. James Daly, Professor, Education Studies, james.daly@shu.edu -
University of the Studies Roma Tre
Faculty and Research Exchange
Direction: Outbound
Duration: N/A
Contact: Dr. Christopher Tienken, Education, Leadership, Management and Policy, christopher.tienken@shu.edu
School of Diplomacy and International Relations
Universidad Católica de Santa Fe
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Benjamin Goldfrank, benjamin.goldfrank@shu.edu -
Foreign Affairs University
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Yanzhong Huang, Director, Center for Global Health Studies, yanzhong.huang@shu.eduShanghai International Studies University
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Yanzhong Huang, Director, Center for Global Health Studies, yanzhong.huang@shu.edu -
Nyansapo College
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Assefaw Bariagaber, Director of Post-Conflict State Reconstruction and Sustainability Program, assefaw.bariagaber@shu.edu -
Rikkyo University
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Jonathan Hafetz, jonathan.hafetz@shu.edu -
University of Jordan
Center for Security Studies
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Courtney Smith, Dean, courtney.smith@shu.edu -
Foreign Service Institute
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Courtney Smith, Dean, courtney.smith@shu.edu -
Instituto Diplomatico
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Courtney Smith, Dean, courtney.smith@shu.edu -
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) - PAUSED
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Martin Edwards, Associate Dean, martin.edwards@shu.edu -
DCAF-Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance
Geneva Graduate Instutue
Sergio Vieira de Mello Fellowship - graduate level research
Direction: Outbound
Duration: June-August
Contact: Rob Case, Director of Internships and Career Development, robert.case@shu.edu
Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Global Fellowship Initiative
Direction: Outbound
Duration: June - August (8 weeks)
Contact: Rob Case, Director of Internships and Career Development, robert.case@shu.edu
International and Development Studies
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Martin Edwards, Associate Dean, martin.edwards@shu.edu
School of Health and Medical Sciences
Australian Catholic University
Student Clinical Exchange – (OT, PT, SLP)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean’s Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
Lessius University College
IP Program (SLP)
Direction: Outbound
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesVIVES University College
Student Clinical Exchange - (PA, SLP, OT, AT, PT); Faculty Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesThomas More Mechelen - Antwerpen VZW, Mechelen
Student Clinical Exchange (SLP)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo
Student Clinical Exchange; Faculty Exchange and Research
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
European University Cyprus
Student Clinical Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Services -
Metropolitan University College
Student Clinical Exchange (PT and OT)'
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
The Institute of Technology - Carlow
Student Clinical Exchange (AT)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesAthlone Institute of Technology
Student Clinical Exchange (AT)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
Tel Aviv University
Student Clinical Exchange (OT, PT, SLP)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean’s Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences
School of Diplomacy and International Relations -
University of Padova
Student Clinical Exchange (OT, PA, PT, SLP)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesUniversity of Milan
Student Clinical Exchange (AT, PT, and PhD)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
Hanze University
Student Clinical Exchange (AT, OT, PT, PA, SLP), Faculty and Scholarly Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
New Zealand
University of Cantebury
Student Clinical Exchange (AT, OT, PT, PA, SLP)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
University of Philippines Manila (UPM)
Student Clinical Exchange (SLP, PA)
Direction: Two-way (SLP), Outbound (PA)
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesUniversity of Santo Tomas
Student Clinical Exchange (AT, OT, PT, PA, SLP)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesDe La Salle
Health Sciences Institute
University Medical Center
College of Medicine
College of Rehabilitation Services
Student Clinical Exchange (PA, SLP, OT, AT, PT)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesCebu Doctor's University
Student Clinical Exchange (PA, SLP, OT, AT, PT)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
Universidad Camilo José Cela
Student Clinical Exchange (OT, PT, PA, SLP, AT)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term and Semester
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
Karolinksa Institute
Student Clinical Exchange (OT, PT, SLP)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Student Clinical Exchange (PA, SLP, OT, AT, PT, MHA)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesChung Shan Medical University
Student Clinical Exchange (PA, SLP, OT, AT, PT, MHA)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences -
United Kingdom
University of Bolton
Student Clinical Exchange (AT)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical SciencesSt. Mary's, Twickenham London
Student Clinical Exchange (AT)
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: Dean's Office, School of Health and Medical Sciences
School of Theology
Lay Center at Foyer Unitas
Direction: N/A
Duration: N/A
Contact: Msgr. Joseph Reilly joseph.reilly@shu.edu
School of Law
Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Nueve
Student Exchange; Faculty Exchange, MOU
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Semester, Short term
Contact: TBA
Open to all Majors
United Kingdom
University of Westminster
Liverpool Hope University
Student Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Semester or Academic Year
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu
Summer Program
Direction: One-way
Duration: Short-term
Contact: TBD -
South Korea
Sogang University
Student Exchange
Direction: Two-way (inbound temporarily suspended)
Duration: Semester or Academic Year
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
University College Cork
Student Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Semester or Academic Year
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
Muenster University
Student Exchange
Direction: Two-way
Duration: Semester or Academic Year
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu
The American University of Kurdistan
Direction: Two-way
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
Lyon Catholic University
Direction: Two-way
Duration: N/A
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
Hebei North University
Direction: Two-way
Contact: Dr. Peter Shoemaker, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, peter.shoemaker@shu.edu -
Czech Republic
Palacký University Olomouc
Direction: Two-way
Contact: Deirdre Yates, Professor of Theatre, deirdre.yates@shu.edu -
American University of Iraq - Baghdad
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
Universidad Panamericana
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
South Sudan
Catholic University of South Sudan
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
Universidad de los Andes
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Contact: Douglas Cantelmo, Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Programs, studyabroad@shu.edu -
ATLAS SkillTech University
Contact: Dr. A.D. Amar, Professor, Management, ad.amar@shu.edu