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Arts and Sciences
Nonprofit Organization Management

Nonprofit Organization Management

The graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Organization Management is designed for individuals who (1) want to explore a career in one of the nonprofit areas, (2) possess a graduate degree and need to develop specific nonprofit management skills, or (3) want to take some graduate courses without applying to the M.P.A. degree program.

Graduate certificates are awarded for the successful completion of 15 graduate credits as designated. These graduate credits can be applied toward the M.P.A. degree, provided the student attains a 3.0 GPA or higher in the certificate program and satisfies the admission requirements for the M.P.A. program.



The Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Organization Management is earned by successfully completing three required and two elective courses. 

Required Courses (9 credits) 
PSMA 6003 Public Policy Process, Analysis and Evaluation 
PSMA 7311 Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector 
PSMA 7312 Leadership and Management of Nonprofit Organizations 

Elective Courses (6 credits) 
Complete any two of the following list of courses: 
PSMA 6001 Environment of Public Service Management 
PSMA 6005 Financial Management and Control 
PSMA 7121 Public Service Leadership 
PSMA 7122 Strategic Management of Collaborative Governance 
PSMA 7313 Resource Development (Fundraising) 
PSMA 7314 Management of Fiscal Resources in Nonprofit Organizations 
PSMA 7315 Managing Volunteers in Nonprofit Organizations 
PSMA 7321 Grantsmanship 
PSMA 7712 Program Evaluation Methods: Outcome Assessment 
PSMA 8311 Nongovernmental Organizations 
PSMA 8312 Nonprofit Policy Issues: Advocacy and Lobbying 
PSMA 8313 Topics: Nonprofit Legal issues 
PSMA 8317 Nonprofit Marketing and Public Relations 
PSMA 8320-8329 Topics in Nonprofit Organization Management

Faculty Listing

Our faculty are experts in the fields of politics and nonprofit organizations and have conducted voluminous research on various topics in the field, including, among many others, Church-State relations, nonprofit organization management, and maternal and child health. Our professors are also among the foremost sources for political analysis in the tri-state area and recently have made more than 100 media appearances to discuss various political issues.

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La'Tesha Sampson, Ph.D. posing
La'Tesha Sampson
Director of Public Administration Program; Director of MSW Practicum Education; Faculty Associate
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Matthew Hale posing
Matthew Hale
Associate Professor
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Terence Teo posing
Terence Teo
Associate Professor
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Our Graduate Programs

The College of Arts and Sciences is dedicated to providing graduate programs to educate the professionals, scientists, educators and leaders of the future. Our goal is to impart the skills and knowledge that graduate students need to develop and follow successful career paths and to prepare them to contribute meaningfully to society through service and/or the advancement of knowledge. We believe that an education grounded in the principles of liberal arts and dedicated to societal advancement through research and interdisciplinary studies is the best instrument for producing well-rounded citizens with intentions that are both personally fulfilling and noble.

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